I read a recent poll at StartUpNation that indicated that solopreneur’s biggest challenge is difficulty finding customers.  Therein lies the reason that more than 70% of solo business owners do not survive.  Simply put your income must exceed your expenses.
Let’s look at a few solutions to the problem?
In interviews with successful solopreneurs  I asked what kind of advice they would give other solopreneurs and almost everyone of them said you must be PASSIONATE about your business.  That passion certainly makes it easier to talk to others about what it is you do.  When you are unsure and timid about your business that perspective is transparent to others.  On the other hand PASSION comes shining through and makes it almost impossible not to tell others what you are doing.  Business owners can not keep their businesses a secret.  It is up to you to tell everyone that gives you an opportunity what you do and the fact that you love it must be obvious.  People will be attracted to your positive energy.
Target Market
Another solution is to stop trying to be everything to everyone.  You can not throw your net so broad.  In being broad your message will not speak to anyone.  The more targeted your market the more money you will make.  Think of a dart board and with each inner circle you define your target market even more, by the time you get to the bulls eye you will have a tightly defined target market.  Now you marketing messages can be expressly targeted to solve the problem of your market.  Most importantly your target market will get it.
Become a Master at Sales
One more solution is to make sure you are talking to enough people.  Being the solo business owner means that you must wear many hats one of those hats is the sales person for your business.  Sales is about telling enough folks how you can support them with your product or service.  Many solopreneurs do not want to be seen as being pushy.  Believing in the value you bring to the business relationship and knowing that your clients/customers are better off for having engaged in your services is not pushy.  Comes back to that passion for your business.
Elevator Speech
The last solution I will leave you with is learning how to tell people what you do.  Do not tell prospects what your title is or the type of business you own.  You must tell them in a brief statement that verifies how you solve their problem and the benefits they will achieve.  If you can do that you will connect with them on an emotional level.  People purchase with their emotions first and then intellect.  Take the time to evaluate how you talk about your business and then practice, practice, practice.
There are potential new customers all around you.  Take responsibility to learn the skills you need to succeed in your business.  Learn to work on your business and not just in your business.  The results will be a nice profit.
Through the end of the year I am offering complimentary one hour coaching sessions to anyone that asks.  Email me at donna@donnaamos.com
Learn about the group coaching program that focuses on Proven sales and marketing strategies and skills.

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
