Your Mobile Friendly Website
If you have a normal website for your site, you should also have a mobile version of that.Mobile icon Solopreneur Solutions
There are plugins you can install on your website that are supposed to automatically convert your traditional website into a mobile-friendly one.
The problem is search engines like Google don’t recognize these plugin modified websites as mobile sites. That is because to these search engines, normal websites and mobile websites are two different entities.
What About The Design Of Your Mobile Site?
There are good practices to keep in mind when designing your mobile site so it will be user-friendly and gives instant gratification.

  • Keep it quick – mobile users are on the go and they don’t have a lot of time to enter significant amounts of information. Make your site load fast (compress images) and easy to read (larger copy, bulleted texts).
  • Simplify the navigation – your mobile site should not confuse your viewers. If you have a complex site, search functionality will enable your visitors to find what they need easily.
  • Make the site thumb friendly – mobile users navigate using their fingers obviously but what you really have to consider is that people have different finger sizes. You have to design your mobile site so that people with larger hands can interact with it with ease: make buttons larger and give them breathing room to avoid or minimize accidental clicks; make text clickable and pad smaller buttons.
  • Make your mobile website easy to read – there should be contrast between background and text. The content should fit on screen and readable without zooming or pinching.
  • Your mobile site should be accessible – an ideal mobile website works across all mobile platforms and handset orientations.
  • Make it local – mobile users look for local information on their phones most of the time so you should include a functionality that lets people find you.
  • Make your website easy to convert – make it easy for prospects to buy from you or contact you. Focus on product details and other info that will help conversion; minimize the steps required to complete a sale; keep the forms short; make data entry easier by using scroll menus, lists or check boxes; utilize click-to-call functionality for phone numbers.

Learn more about mobile stats.

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
