Is OC/DC Here to Replace SEO?
How much do you know about SEO? Do you qualify to be called a guru? Or an expert? Or are you simply a small business owner trying to follow the rules to get your business recognized?
In the last few years Google has been making big changes aimed at pushing SEO professionals from tactical SEO behavior towards a strategic approach to SEO.
And sorry, I hate to be the bearer of bad news or you may be happy to hear this, … “SEO is dead”. Tactically SEO is dead. You may need to play catch up, so what do you do next?
The wise (men) women(okay maybe it was a man) of old said that a chain is as strong as its weakest link. SEO as we all know it simply refers to Search Engine Optimization. Now if you are still holding onto that definition of SEO then that is your weakness. Expunge that definition!

Position Yourself to Embrace the Change in SEO

All the agonizing work that you have been doing including attending to the nitty-gritty of crafting sentences and selecting keywords needs to be reworked again. SEO as we used to know it, is dead. Today we are talking of optimizing content for discovery and conversion – OC/DC. The idea is to optimize the content for the web, not just the search engines.
OC/DC is much bigger than the average person’s definition of SEO and I am not referring to the rock band. Your target here is not just the search engines; Google, Bing, Yahoo and the others. Your target is a wider spectrum of the web; anything and everything that is important on the web forms part of your primary target including social media and related blogs.
Just think about it… When you sit down to optimize your website or blog the target is not just Google. You draw traffic from many other sources. Valuable traffic is not derived from search engines only and I know you know this. So why do we still talk of SEO?
OC/DC simply broadens the scope and applicability of what used to be SEO activities. Those who excelled in the world of SEO were people who knew that it took more than spamming and buying of links.
To become a real OC/DC rock star you need to drop the SEO specialist or expert tag. Otherwise, the tag will weigh you down. As you drop the tag here are nine ways that you can repurpose your content for OC/DC:

  • Make reports that are available on your website downloadable
  • Provide an infographic that highlights the key data points in your reports
  • Provide a narrated presentation of your reports on YouTube.
  • Provide releases with details of the analysis of the data contained in your reports
  • Look for opportunities to make personal presentations of your reports
  • Engage in guest blogging
  • Provide webinar discussions of your reports.
  • Hold Google+ Hangouts to discuss your reports
  • Develop a podcast about the report

I am certain you can see how to take you valuable content and get the most out of it you can.  Expose the masses to your knowledge by considering OC/DC optimizing content for discovery and conversion. Learn more at Copyblogger.

About the Author: Donna Amos

I believe you can achieve anything you truly want to achieve. “It might sound trite, but time and time again, I’ve seen it happen with my clients. They overcome the fear of exposing themselves to the possibility of failure to creating profitable exciting businesses. My clients do great work, and sometimes it only takes someone else believing in them to give them the confidence to step out and take the chance.”
